We collectivly have raised $32,808.50 to date.
That equates to a 2009 HUMMER H3 (to bad it does not come in pink)

Or that's like eating a $5 footlong from Subway for lunch every day for 25 years straight! (Come on... sing along. "FIVE... FIVE DOLLAR... FIVE DOLLAR FOOT LONG!")

Or a morning pick-me-up from Starbucks! ( 40 years of Monday's.... )

How about a Dell laptop? Yep, you could buy 50 pink laptops... that could be a laptop for every person in my office. (If only I could get that approved...)

Thank you for all of your support!
If you would like to make a donation, check out our team page! www.the3day.org/goto/coconutterstrutters09
You guys are amazing! I hope you walk with no blisters and much joy! :)