First of all, I want to say a huge Thank You to Vanessa for encouraging me to endure the most amazing journey ever!!! What a life experience this has been so far. On June 27 the first annual Softballin for boobs tournament was held in Grand Haven. It was organized by Grant Soule who is the husband of Marcia the one I will walk in honor of, and what a HUGE success....and a lot of work! Grant, Thank you so much for this fundraiser. I am not sure how I would have made it without this!
The tournament started at 8am and the last game was played at 6:15pm. There were a total of ten teams in a double elimination tournament, and the guys that all played were well aware of why they were playing and what they were playing for! A great group of ball players!! Thank you to all the teams for taking the time to come to GH for such an amazing event.
A great big Thank You to all the umpires who donated their time all day to make sure the games were played fair. Thank you to Kim Poll, Joni Westfield, Mandy Mundt, Heather VanCura, Rachel Toth, Aleigha Huntoon and Chelsi Wagenmaker. These ladies ran the concessions all day, selling gatorade, water and grilling hotdogs! Concessions definitely would not have happened without them. Thank you to Leppinks, G&L, Request Foods, and Valerie Thompson for the donations of the concession items! Thank you also to the City of Grand Haven, and the Township for donating the use of the fields. Thank you also to Parker Trophies for the assistance with the 1st - 3rd place trophies. We couldn't have asked for a better day....and a better time! I feel like I cant say thank you enough!! The overwhelming support I have received thus far is incredible, and I am looking very forward to walking in November! Go Coconutter Strutters!!!
Thank you,

3rd Place- Skee City Fiasco
Great post, Julie! I know you've been working especially hard on this very worthy cause. Keep up the good work! Love ya! Schropp's mom :-)